Yesterday was a nightmare...
In the process of moving out and our landlord is giving us new problems every day.
It's 8 am in the morning and 2 electricians show up unannounced...
In they come and tell us that they're changing all our electrics and need the power off most of the day.
So no hot water, no electricity, no wifi!
For a house of 5 lads working from home, this was a bit of a nightmare.
Bunch of important calls taken via phone 4g or from loud coffee shops, postponing important shit.
Interviews being re-arranged at last minute...
As well as having to chuck out a lot of food from our fridge and freezer
First world problems I know!
But with a bit of warning this could have all been manageable.
This lack of communication, lack of consideration and lack of just organisation is why people hate landlords.
(Soz I know I have quite a few estate agents/property developers/ landlords on this list, but if you want hit that unsubscribe)
But what I realised is people have these SAME gripes with marketing agencies!
My industry is also riddled with bellends.
Some agencies are lazy, promise the world and are much better at sales than they are than the thing they are selling, ultimately leading to dissapointed clients.
I'd be a bellend if I got angry at someone without addressing the common problems with marketing agencies...
So help me know what the issues are.
Please let me know your agency nightmares, problems and shit shows with a reply to this email.
I'll share some of the funniest and hopefully find some golden nuggets that can help me improve for my current and future clients!
It may also be worth thinking...