A beginner's walk-through with EXACTLY how to target B2B buyers from ANY industry for your next advertising campaign 🎯
This Facebook Ads tutorial shows you the depth and precision with HOW you can generate leads and sales for your B2B business by simply leveraging Facebook Ads properly 💼
This video will show you the secrets of how we generate leads for B2B businesses 🚀
So if you're a B2B business who needs more leads and want to start being smarter with your social media advertising you NEED to watch this video.
Facebook Ads is the grandaddy of social media advertising platforms. You know this. No doubt you've sat there scrolling on Insta or Facebook late at night and stopped scrolling at some random widget or product that you've bought.
But it amazes us, how little B2B companies are PROPERLY leveraging the technology in their marketing campaigns. We know and have proven time and time again how social media advertising MASSIVELY OUTPERFORMS traditional marketing channels that boring B2B businesses "have always done".
🤳 And you know those ads that make you think your phone's listening to you?
🛒The ones that remind you to finish buying the stuff you added to cart?
Just imagine the potential of those retargeting ads when you apply it to your B2B website...
Think about it...
How many more leads and sales could you have had this month if you had a system that was pumping your pitch out to EVERYBODY that had visited your pricing page or contact us page the last few months?
This is usually one of the first strategies we adopt for our B2B clients. And it can produce BIG WINS! 💰
In this video we go in-depth, down and dirty...
I'll show you on-screen the EXACT B2B audiences we actually use right now! Not only for our clients but also our own ad campaigns. (You may be here from one of them...😉)
Also covered is:
💼 The job roles and titles you can target with your ads
🔎 The interests to use for B2B business and how you can explore Facebook Ad's targeting options
🎯 How to layer up and narrow down your audience to find the perfect customer for your business
🏆 What else makes up a successful advertising campaign and why what happens AFTER the click is SO important!
There are so many B2B businesses not harnessing the power of social media advertising properly and Facebook Ads is the biggest player.
It's a good starter which can be blended with other platforms such as LinkedIn Ads, TikTok Ads and YouTube Ads.
These Facebook Ads B2B Targeting tips can start working for you right away and can generate you more B2B leads immediately!
Need help with your B2B Advertising Campaigns?
If you already have enough on your plate and would rather a trusted expert run your campaigns, no problem...
Click here and you can apply to work with us! The next steps after that are to have an intro call, we'll build out a bespoke action plan for your business.
The best bit is... if you think our work is 💩 you get your money back!
🎯 LinkedIn B2B Ads Tutorial 🎯
🎯 TikTok B2B Ads Tutorial 🎯